Hi There,welcome to Bored Spouses; a forum site on the web which brings together members of boring relationships and also bored spouses.

People love and marry for different reasons,therefore today,it is ideal to say that there are many marriages and relationships which experience marital boredom rather than marital bliss.This site therefore explores the mind of bored lovers and spouses and also bring them together to share experiences from different backgrounds and to put an end to marital boredom.Feel free to pour out your worries here and share your sweet and sneaky experiences,or it might just be your fantasies you would like to tell us about.There is also my personalized chat-room 'three things' .Bored spouses coming together is fun!

Bored Spouse

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Am very bored and 'wanting' tonite.....

Am very lonely and bored tonite.Though married,my husband and i are seperated for one reason or the other.
How do i get a bit of attention from a man? Where can i find that man,that will give me love and care, and (more)
please help me!!!!!!


  1. am here for you lurvy

  2. Taking a lover to replace what u arent getting from your husband might feed an immediate "want" but will not fill the void and "need" in your relationship with your husband, it will most likely only further drive a wedge between the two of you.

  3. That sounds more like it thanks.
    We still have some decent people around.

  4. Consider things carefully. Law of cause and effect.


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